“We are continuing to follow advice from Public Health England in respect of Coronavirus.
We have not been put on alert to close and at present we have no plans to close the school for any additional time.
We are working closely with the Local Authority and if we are advised differently by Public Health England and the Department for Education to close, we will inform parents and carers immediately.”
For advice on when to self -isolate if you are displaying symptoms of coronavirus please click this link: - Advice
Important advice regarding self-isolation and what it means, such as staying at home and as far as possible staying away from family members and in separate rooms. The advice is to self-isolate if you display any one of more of the symptoms which are:
Please note that the advice is for a ‘new’ cough.
Please find a link to the most up to date guidance regarding Covid-19 and self isolation.
Authorising absence
At present the guidance is that if a child is unwell then we can authorise the absence.
If a child is in self isolation and we have medical evidence that this is necessary then the absence is authorised.
If a child is in self isolation as a protective factor without medical evidence then then the absence will be unauthorised.
If your child has a new continuous cough or high temperature above 37.8C, stay off school and contact NHS 111. Let school know as soon as possible and feedback any advice given by NHS 111.
Any other illnesses and symptoms should be treated in the usual manner i.e. 48 hours for sickness.
Click the information below for Essex County Council advice:-
What happens if a child or someone they live with develops symptoms: