Would you like to join the Governing Body at Willowbrook Primary School?
The role of a school governor is exciting, challenging and rewarding. School governors are people from the school's community who wish to make a positive contribution to children's education. They can take part in all aspects of school life and it's up to each governor how much they get involved.
Willowbrook is always interested in hearing from parents and other members of the community who are interested in joining our Governing Body.
From time to time, Willowbrook Primary School’s Governing Body has vacancies for school governors. School governors are volunteers who…
Governors use their skills and experience to contribute towards the strategic development and improvement of pupil standards and progress at Willowbrook Primary School. The term of office is four years. The basic requirements are:
1. Prepare for and attend Governing Body/committee meetings
All governors attend 4 Full Governing Body meetings per year, i.e. once per school term. These meetings are held on weekday evenings (usually 6.00pm-8.00pm) at school.
Governors are also a member of one of the two Governing Body’s sub-committees. The sub-committees meet 4 times a year/once per school term. Meetings are held at different days of the week on weekday evenings at school.
The sub-committees are: (Finance, Premises & Personnel) and (Curriculum and Pupil Related Matters).
2. Attend other meetings depending on the responsibilities you hold
For example, governors on the Curriculum Pupil Related Committee meet with a member of staff to discuss an area of the curriculum (e.g. Writing, Maths) once per term before the sub-committee meeting. Or, you might serve on a short-term working party.
3. Attend meetings and events with members of the school community
Governors meet with staff, parents, pupils and others in our local community at regular intervals throughout the year, both to seek their input and to feed back on the work the Governing Body is doing. Governors are invited to attend school events such as assemblies, International Evening and more.
The most important attributes are enthusiasm and commitment: you should be prepared to use your life / work experience in a voluntary capacity to help school improvement.
You don’t need to have experience of being a governor as: help, advice and training are available. Training is currently provided by Essex County Council and all governors can attend as many free training courses as they wish.
You need to be available to attend meetings, and attend school events/other meetings during the year.
If you would like more information please contact the school (admin@willowbrook.essex.sch.uk) and we can put you in touch with a member of our Governing Body for an informal chat.
If you want to be part of an enthusiastic and dynamic team helping to drive school
Improvement and can spare the time we’d love to hear from you.
Please write to the school (preferably via the school email) with a summary of your reasons for wanting to become a parent governor at Willowbrook Primary School and attach a CV.
The Governors and Senior Leadership Team will consider your request and make contact with you as soon as reasonably possible after that.