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Whitebeam- Year 2

Our completed geography learning journey

Our finished science learning journey for 'Living things and their habitats' linked to our Bug's Life topic

Our new author of the half term is Dr Seuss.

Which of his books is your favourite?

Our topic this term is....Bug's Life!

Check out our knowledge planner to see what exciting things we will be getting up. Why not watch the film over the Easter holidays.


Our new Author of the Half Term is.....

Giles Andreae

Have you read any of his books? Did you also know he is a singer/songwriter?

Here is some information about him and his books:

  • Giles Andreae was born in 1966 in London, UK.
  • He went to school at Eton and then studied English at Oxford University.
  • Giles Andreae created the funny cartoon Purple Ronnie.
  • His wife is called Victoria and they have four children.
  • Giraffes Can’t Dance is his most well-known children’s book. Commotion in the Ocean is incredibly popular, too.
  • Rumble in the Jungle was the first children’s book he had published.
  • His favourite children’s book is Yertle the Turtle by Dr Seuss.
  • Some of the little things that make him happy are: cola fizzes, playing the guitar, Yorkshire puddings, his bed, unexpected kindness, pork scratchings, poetry, long hot baths and dishwashers.
  • To date, he has sold more than 3 million books.
  • Dr Seuss is his favourite children’s author.
  • Giles Andreae says that Edward Lear, Lewis Carroll and Spike Milligan were big influences on his work.
  • He didn’t enjoy maths lessons at school.
  • He once shared an office with Richard Curtis, the creator of Blackadder.
  • He loved reading the Nicholas books by Rene Goscinny to his own children.

Our Completed Learning Journey for London's Burning

Our new author of the half term is...

Julia Donaldson

Which of her books is your favourite?

Our topic this term is...

London's Burning!

It's a history and geography based topic all about the Great Fire of London. Here's our learning journey ready to be filled with all the exciting things we will learn and find out.


Here is our history learning journey so far....

In Science this term, we will be doing lots of fun experiments to understand, explore and investigate the everyday materials around us and their uses. Our learning journey is ready to go. (See below)

Our New Author of the Half Term is....

Mini Grey!

Have you read any of her books? Which was your favourite and why?

Suggested Reading Booklist

Our DT and History Learning Journeys for this term

Art learning journey for the Autumn Term

Our Science Learning Journey for the Autumn Term

Our new author of the half term is....

Peter Bently

Have you read any of his books? Which is your favouirte? Which ones might you like to read?

What might you like to find out about him?

Whitebeam! Welcome to Year 2!

We are going to have so much fun this year. 

Go... Team Whitebeam!

Here is our class contract for you to look at...


Our Author of the Half Term is

Lauren Child

Have you read any of her books?

Which one is your favourite?






What can you find out about her?

Look at our wonderful book corner!

Why not take some time to sit in our reading garden  - What type of book will you choose? Fiction, Non-Fiction or Poetry? Don't forget to tell your friends all about a book you would recommend!

Our new topic this term is...

Towers and Turrets

Check out our Knowledge Planner to find out about all the fun things we will be learning!



Our Science unit is Animals Including Humans

We have already started looking at the different types of animals (reptiles, amphibians, mammals, birds and fish); what their offspring look like; and their different life cycles.

This is our Learning Journey so this space to see what else we will be learning...

Click on the link to take you to the Times Table Rock Stars Website.

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Can you beat your teacher?

TTRS Parent Guide


We will be setting work on Db Primary each Friday. Work will need to be completed and submitted by the following Thursday morning.

Please see below the documents reminding you of how to log on and upload your work.

Click on the image below and it will take you straight through to the db primary login page.

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